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KakaoHome桌面 v2.4.9.1

壁纸美化 14.55MB

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  - 简单和轻松小工具:2X1时钟,1x1的多路开关和天气小部件完全适合您的主屏幕上。

  - 更好的壁纸和图标:更大的图标和光明的默认壁纸。

  - 新的主题为KakaoHome 2.0:请参阅“建议”和“主题”文件夹为KakaoHome 2.0优化的主题!

  - 现在你可以改变你的应用程序的图标大小KakaoHome设置。

  - KakaoHome声明:查看KakaoTalk,KakaoStory和KakaoGroup通知和生日提醒,一目了然!

  - 快速回复:回复KakaoTalk消息马上无需打开应用程序。

  - Kakao小工具:插上像谈话警示,天气,时钟,任务的杀手,等有用的小工具

  - “最常用”的文件夹:该文件夹的房子有用的功能,包括日历,DMB,音乐,通知等等。


  The All New KakaoHome!

  - Simple & Easy Widgets: 2x1 clock, 1x1 multi-switch and weather widgets fit perfectly on your home screen.

  - Better Wallpapers & Icons: Bigger icons and brighter default wallpapers.

  - New Themes for KakaoHome 2.0: See the “Suggestions” and “Themes” folders for optimized themes for KakaoHome 2.0!

  - You can now change your app icon size in KakaoHome Settings.

  Handy Home features

  - KakaoHome Notifications: View KakaoTalk, KakaoStory and KakaoGroup notifications and birthday reminders at a glance!

  - Quick Reply: Reply to KakaoTalk messages straight away without opening the app.

  - Kakao Widgets: Plug in useful widgets like Talk Alerts, weather, clock, task killer, etc.

  - “Most used“ folder: This folder houses useful features including your calendar, DMB, music, notifications and more.

  KakaoHome helps you create a customized home screen experience for your smartphone.

  Be a smart Kakao user with KakaoHome!


